When you receive a payment from a customer in the result of providing goods and services, you will surely be demanded a receipt at some point. A cash receipt is a written record or a document which refers to the collection of allocated cash from some source. You can buy a cash receipt book from your local office supplies or stationary shop, but you can also customize and print out your own cash receipt by using our cash receipt template given below.
You may download just one cash receipt template or all of them offered for different reasons whether the receipt is for cash, cheque or money order payments because, there are conditions when you need to record the money that was paid in by someone. Downloading cash receipt format excel will allow you space for writing the amount that was paid and what the amount was used for and why it was given. Furthermore, if you need to help someone to remember what amount they have paid and why they paid it, suggest them to use the cash receipt templates given below.
Cash receipts are not only created for sales transactions but also can be used for other types of payments, such as loan payment, rental payment, interest payment on investments and cash payment made for removal of a liability. Cash receipt sample sounds like a readily document, you just need to type your details including date, invoice number, description of transaction and amount etc. It will allow you to save your receipts save in the computer for keeping cash records. So are you running a business? Just try our free templates given below and treat your customers in the most professional way.
Here Are Free Cash Receipt Templates